Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday the 9th & Sunday the 10th

I am writing on Saturday early in the afternoon.  Yesterday was
another interesting day workwise.  We went to an apartment  complex
next to the Sony factory.  The first thing we did was move a car that
was sitting in front of a storage shed.  We were finally able to get
it moved by pulling it with the pastors little truck (smaller than my
Fit) and 10 or so of us pushing.  Then we were able to get to the
storage locker that needed to be emptied out.
All day long the garbage haulers were there loading up trucks with a
small front loader.  For the rest of the day most of us  were moving
garbage to areas that a front loader could reach or cleaning up the
playground .  During the lunch hour I was able to give an elderly lady
a ride to the Jr. Hi school in town where she had some business to
take care of.  It would have been a fair distance to walk for a lady
who was not in very good health.   She was most appreciative.
As I mentioned at the end of my last entry the church was also without
water and electricity on Friday.  So was Shichigahama.  I had been
wondering if I had gotten the water to them too late when we were told
they had water when we delivered it on Tuesday.  Well, they need it
now because the water is off again.  So God knew they would need it
even though I thought I was too late.
I made it to Yamagata safely last night.  It was good to catch up with
the Arakis.  I also got a chance to talk to Miss Yamauchi, an old
friend from our Shiogama days.  It was good to catch up a little and
laugh about fun memories.
This morning I noticed how the earthquake the other night has subtly
changed my thinking.  I found myself filling up my water jugs for the
trip back over to “no water land” first just in case there was another
earthquake and we lost water here too.  The Arakis have a bathtub full
of water as well as drinkable water in the fridge just in case the
water goes out.
Another thing I haven’t mentioned on the daily entries is that there
has been some thievery going on in the neighborhood in which we’ve
been helping .  Gas has been siphoned from ruined cars regardless of
to whom the cars belonged.  At least two families said that stuff from
the upstairs that wasn’t damaged had been taken.  There wasn’t the
widespread looting that took place during Katrina when this first
occurred but there has been some of that going on that hasn’t made the
Sunday late afternoon.  I got to do the kids message as well as the
regular message today.  I’m not very good at telling whether my own
sermons are good or not.  At least one person was asking further
questions about dealing with conflict so I must have been somewhat
understandable.  The folks here all said it was easy to understand.
Sometimes they say things to be nice.  Was able to get 10 sheets of
plywood for the church.  No more will fit in the van anyway, so its
just as well that they are limiting purchases to five sheets per
person.  I got 10 cause Hiroya was with me to show me the way.

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